
What Is OpenQRM?
openQRM has a key leading technology that sets it apart from the rest. The Diskless Boot. This feature means that any servers and applications are booted WITHOUT a hard disk! This has many advantages; faster boot times, longer uptimes, and much more cost-effective.
What Can I Use With OpenQRM?
openQRM is designed to be compatible with almost all major cloud services (it’s an expanding list). The platform has a modular infrastructure, having its functions and compatibilities provisioned by plugins!

How Do I Use OpenQRM?
openQRM has many features and many ways to use them. To help users understand it, we offer How-Tos and Tutorials! You can find them on our Wiki, YouTube Channel and Community Forum.
Plans & Pricing
The open-source community version
- Limited Plugin Library Access
- openQRM Community Support
- Semi-Frequent Updates
- Open-Source 100%
Special Offer
The commercial enterprise version
- Full Plugin Library Access
- Expert Technical Support
- Stable Releases
- Commerical Open-Source 100%
- Solution Desgn and Deploy